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  • 「注射を打たれた豚は鳴くんです。あんな鳴き声を聞くのは初めてで、胸が詰まった。」畜産従事者

  • 「まるで生き地獄のようだ。」

  • 「処分されると分かって飼い続けている。今は餌を食べられるだけ食べさせてあげたい。味わったことのない気持ちだ。」畜産農家

  • 「殺処分の作業をする獣医師の方々もつらいのです、子豚を薬殺処分するために注射を刺すさいに、子豚が泣きわめき次第にグッタリしていく様を見ながら「痛かったろ、ゴメンね」と、涙ぐみながら優しく両手で抱きかかえてる姿を見ました。」

  • 「殺処分の光景が忘れられない。」殺処分従事者

  • 「45年間、我が子のように牛を育ててきた。」畜産農家

  • 「分娩畜舎から、授乳中の子豚をはなし連れてきた母豚を処分したとき、父は涙ながら声を荒げて叫びました、「子豚も一緒に今処分して一緒に埋めてくれ、かわいそうすぎる、引き離さないでいいだろう」と。

  • 「(農家は)災害で財産を失うなどの喪失感と共に、ウイルス感染への恐怖感や生き物の命を奪う罪悪感などが生じており、これまでにはないケース。」精神医学教授



日本の口蹄疫殺処分方法 2010



























































Foot-and-mouth disease affected animals killing methods in Japan in 2010

(research by Taro-no-Tomo in 2010)





















































  1. 消毒薬パコマによる殺処分を直ちに中止し、環境省告示第105号「動物の殺処分方法に関する指針」に基づき意識喪失を可能とする麻酔薬を用いること。「口蹄疫に関する特定家畜伝染病防疫指針」第一基本方針および1 「殺処分等」に《殺処分を行う場合は動物の福祉に留意し「動物の殺処分方法に関する指針」に基づき意識喪失を伴う方法によること》を明記すること。国はその実施に必要な体制を直ちに整えること。

  2. 殺処分方法の詳細を直ちに公開し、殺処分方法の適否を検証する動物保護団体を含めた第三者機関を設けること。

  3. 各都道府県知事が今後、殺処分に際し消毒薬パコマを使用しないよう指導すること。

  4. 動物愛護法に消毒薬殺の禁止を明記し、違法使用に罰則を設けること。

  5. 殺処分による防疫原則、発病した動物とその周辺のすべての動物を殺処分する方式Stamping Outを見直し、国内全頭への高免疫マーカーワクチン投与による予防、治療、血清検査による防疫体制の確立を図ること。

〈参考文献 口蹄疫との共生 山内一也 人獣共通感染症連続講座(第116回 ) 2001.4.25〉





  1. 口蹄疫の疑似患畜等の殺処分は国際機関(OIE)の基準及び環境省の策定した「動物の殺処分方法に関する指針」に沿った方法で適切に実施。

  2. 具体的には、電気殺器等の活用のほか、鎮静・鎮痛作用のある薬剤を投与した上で、中枢神経・呼吸の抑制作用等のある薬剤を投与。

  3. なお、動物愛護管理法に基づく動物の殺処分方法については、環境省において、同法の附則第9条に基づき平成23年度に法の見直しを行うことになっており、これに向けて検討をはじめたと承知。



  1. 口蹄疫ワクチンは、発症を抑えるものの、感染を完全には防止しないことから、ワクチンを予防的に使用することにより、我が国に口蹄疫が常在化するおそれ。

  2. また、口蹄疫には多くの血清型等(O型、A型等)があり、流行株に適合するワクチンが接種されないと効果がないことから、侵入した口蹄疫ウイルスに必ずしも効果がない。

  3. ワクチン接種はウイルスの変異を助長するため、継続的な使用により、ワクチンの効果がなくなるおそれ。

  4. こうしたこと等から、我が国においては、他の先進国と同様に、早期発見・早期淘汰により、口蹄疫ワクチンを使用せず、清浄性を維持することとしているところ。

  5. なお、現時点では、口蹄疫ワクチンは食品安全委員会による食品健康影響評価を受けていないため、法律上、接種された家畜の肉や乳等は食用として供することができない。







2010年 7月21日


OIE国際獣疫事務局 殿








Animal Rights Center Japan

Help Animals

Global Smile











殺処分による防疫原則、発病した動物とその周辺のすべての動物を殺処分する方式Stamping Outを見直し、国内全頭への高免疫マーカーワクチン投与による予防、治療、血清検査による防疫体制の確立を図ること。













OIEは殺処分による防疫原則を見直し、発病した動物とその周辺のすべての動物を殺処分する方式Stamping Outを廃止し、飼育家畜全頭へ高免疫マーカーワクチンを投与することで、予防・治療・血清検査による防疫体制を確立すること。





The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)

Dear Sirs


July 21, 2010


A petition to OIE regarding animal welfare in Japan


Japanese NGOs which make petition collaboratively as below:

Taro No Tomo (Taro’s Friends )

Hokkaido Animal Protection Association

A NGO in Japan that protests against an eradication policy of alien species

Nekotomo No Kai

Animal Rights Center Japan

Help Animals

Global Smile


Recently, unacceptable instance of animal cruelty have occurred in Japan. The first case of foot-and-mouth disease was found on around the 20th of April in 2010 since when 270 thousand cows and pigs had been killed using disinfectant “pakoma” (brand name in Japanese) as of 30th of June. Although sedative pills “Mafuropan”(brand name in Japanese) were administered first, disinfectant was injected into the veins of animals under the insufficiently anesthetized condition. We therefore fear that incorrect use of the drug has resulted in unnecessary and imaginably greater pain to the animals during the process of their death.


We animal protection groups in Japan made a request orally to the on-site countermeasure headquarters of Japanese government on 20th of May that they should stop slaughter disposition by disinfectant and instead employ other method such as megadose of anesthetic agent. And we also submitted a petition on 27th of May including the following items to the Prime Minister of Japan and the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Governor of Miyazaki Prefecture etc.


The major items in a petition are summarized as follows:


To immediately stop slaughter disposition by disinfectant “Pakoma” and to use anesthetic agent enabling animals to quickly lose consciousness in accordance with the announcement 105 clause of “Guideline for slaughter disposition method of animals” by the Ministry of Environment.

To immediately disclose the details of slaughter disposition method of animals.

To establish a third-party organization including animal protection groups to verify the adequacy of slaughter disposition method of animals.

To review the fundamental principle of epidemic prevention system abolishing the 

“Stamping-out” method, in which the infected animal and all other animals of same species living within a specified surrounding area are killed, and thus to establish a new epidemic prevention based on prevention, medical treatment and serological test by administration of high immunity marker vaccine to all of the livestock.

We conducted a signature campaign in the street on 27th of June and our activities were also covered by a newspaper. On 29th of June we submitted a petition with 666 signatures to the office of Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to stop the slaughter disposition by disinfectant. And we have since continued to receive many other favorable signatures. 

On 29th of June the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries replied back to us upon our request saying;

“The slaughter disposition of suspected animals with foot-and-mouth disease is to be conducted in accordance with the rule prescribed based upon OIE standard. 

In other words they are killed using electricity, carbon dioxide gas or by drug.” However, slaughter disposition by disinfectant is contrary to the provisions of the animal- protection statute in Japan; “The slaughter disposition of animals is to be conducted in such a manner whereby the animals are made unconscious with as little pain involved as possible using chemical or physical methods, and thus the heart or lung is to cease its function irreversibly.” 

What do OIE and “Members of the OIE working group on animal welfare” think about the things now happening in Japan?


We Japanese NGOs, demanding good animal welfare, would like to request the OIE to take the following measures immediately;


To encourage or advise the Japanese government to stop slaughter disposition by disinfectant, respecting of the animal welfare.

To strictly enforce a ban on the slaughter disposition method that involves great pain to the animal, and to obligate each country to kill the animal with a megadose of anesthetic agent, by which animals are made unconscious.

To set up an organization to verify the adequacy of slaughter disposition methods and thus to establish an animal welfare verification system by a third-party organization including international animal protection groups that protest against cruel methods of animals.

To establish an international system to create a stockpile of anesthetic drug.

To review the fundamental principle of epidemic prevention system abolishing the “Stamping-out” method, in which the infected animal and all other animals of same species living within a specified surrounding area are killed, and thus to establish a new epidemic prevention based on prevention, medical treatment and serological test by administration of high immunity marker vaccine to all of the livestock.

First of all, we beg OIE to move quickly for item 1 listed above. And we are waiting for your positive answer. Please give us your opinions via E-mail to the address written below.


With best regards




The Director general

Paris, 9th August 2010

Dear Sir/Madam


Thank you for your letter on 21 July enquiring about the OIE standards on killing of animals for disease control purpose. Stamping-out is often the best policy for rapid containment of highly contagious disease. However,other approaches may be valid,depending on the disease.


Whatever method is used,the welfare of animals should always be respected.For this reason,the OIE adopted relevant recommendations in 2005, published it as Chapter 7.6.(Killing of animals for disease control purposes) of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code (Terrestrial Code): please see:


Killing methods are summarized in the table in Article 7.6.5. Free bullet,captive bolt,lethal injection,electricity and carbon dioxide are included in the list of methods.OIE Members should select most suitable methods according to the situation.


The details of how to use lethal injection are described in Article 7.6.15. In practice,anesthetic/sedative drugs are combined with other drugs.No specific drug is recommended; however,some combinations of drugs may cause pain and should only be used in unconscious animals.Rapid loss of consciousness should be achieved when using an appropriate dose and route of administration.


Apart from animal welfare,other aspects that are relevant to the choice of method include cost,operator safety,biosafety and environmental issues.In summary,each OIE Member should decide its disease control strategy,based on the use of the OIE standards.


In concluding I would like to confirm that each OIE is responsible to implement OIE international standards, including for animal welfare.The OIE encourage all Members to adopt the relevant provision of the OIE Terrestrial Code that are democratically adopted by the World Assembly of Delegates; however the final decision is the prerogative each OIE Members.


I trust that you find this information useful.


Yours sincerely,

Bernard Vallat


CC: Dr S Kahn; Dr D Bayvel; Dr D Wilkirs (OIE Animal Welfare Working Group)




OIE回答 日本語訳







 いかなる方法が使用されようと、動物の福祉はいつも尊重されるべきです。上記の理由において、OIEは20005年に関連のある勧告を採用しました。7.6章 (防疫目的の動物の殺処分)の陸生動物衛生規約(陸生規約)にて出版。ウェブサイトを参照


 (駆除法)殺す方法は表7.6.5にまとめられています。一覧表には(*)フリーブレット、家畜空気銃、薬物注射、二酸化炭素が含まれています。OIE メンバーは状況に伴なったもっとも適切な方法を選択すべきです。(* 脚註 眉間を銃で打ち抜く畜殺方法)












バナード ヴァラット

CC: Dr S Kahn; Dr D Bayvel; Dr D Wilkirs (OIE動物福祉ワーキンググループ)







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